Brief Introduction

Hello, I'm a third-year undergraduate at Tsinghua University, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Currently, I am actively engaged in research with Prof. Peng Cui and Prof. Huan Zhang.

My primary research interest centers around Trust-Worthy Machine Learning. Specifically, I'm familiar with Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization, stable learning, domain generalization, subpopulation shift and data-centric AI.

To know me better, please check out my CV and research statement.

Publications (“*” indicates equal contribution)

1. Data Acquisition to Improve Performance under Distribution Shift.
Yue He*, Dongbai Li*, Pengfei Tian, Han Yu, Jiashuo Liu, Hao Zou, Peng Cui.ICML 2024

2. Sample Weight Averaging for Stable Prediction.
Han Yu, Yue He, Renzhe Xu, Dongbai Li, Jiayin Zhang, Wenchao Zou, Peng Cui. Under review.





Selected Courses

Fundamentals of Programming A

Programing and Training A

Introduction to Computer Systems A+

Probability and Statistics A